Fan gets unfortunate tattoo after Bartolo Colon’s home run
Mets pitcher Bartolo Colon has a.092 career batting average, which is why his first career home run last weekend came as a surprise,and a delight, to many.For some reason, a Mets fan made a bet with his friend before the season that if the loveable pitcher went yard, he’d get a tattoo. As fate would have it, Colon hit a homer in a game the two attended. Almost sounds too good to be true.MORE: Bartolo Colon’s homer gets ‚The Natural’ treatment| Colonhomer gets baseball cardHere’s the story, via The7Line:There are few things in the world le s important than a mans word. In this case, a statement was made at the beginning of the season, and it came true. Matt Sa si said to his buddy, Anthony Triola: „If Bartolo Colon hits a home run this year, I’ll get a commemorative tattoo”. Before the game on Saturday I met them in McFadden’s and they told me about this bet. You’d think, ok… that’s not happening. Right? WRONG! Coolest part of the bet was that they were both there to witne s the feat in person. Matt is a Middletown, NY native that moved to San Diego. What were the odds that Bart would be on the hill the day of our invasion? What are the odds he’d go yard? Slim to damn near impo sible. Matt could have chickened out and not gotten it at all, or gotten something small that could easily have been hidden. Instead he went balls to the freakin’ wall with pretty much a half sleeve. To sed THE 7 LINE ARMY on there for good measure and added the date of Bart’s now famous swing. You manned up, Matt. Bravo.And, of course, the tattoo:A photo posted by The 7 Line (@the7line) on May 11, 2016 at 12:42pm PDT